Part IV. Feature Reference
Curvy 3D Index
Part IV. Feature Reference
Table of Contents
1. Tool Reference
1. Toolbox
1.1. Select
1.2. Move
1.3. Rotate
1.4. Scale
1.5. Soft Move
1.6. Soft Rotate
1.7. Pan
1.8. Orbit
1.9. Zoom
2. Object Creation Tools
2.1. Create Lathe
2.2. Create Line
2.3. Create Blob
2.4. Create Slab
2.5. Create Loft
2.6. Create Cube
2.7. Create Cylinder
2.8. Create Sphere
2.9. Create Bone
2.10. Create Sketch
3. Curve Tools
3.1. Add Curve
3.2. Redraw Curve
3.3. Draw Details
3.4. Trim Curve
3.5. Move Start
3.6. Pull
3.7. Local Rotate
3.8. Straighten Curve Segment
3.9. Segment to Semi-Circle
3.10. Segment to Semi-Ellipse
3.11. Segment to Circle-Arc
3.12. Segment to Ellipse-Arc
3.13. Segment to Simple-Arc
3.14. Segment Smooth
3.15. Segment follow Magnet
3.16. Segment Fair
3.17. Bezier Tools
4. Curve Commands
4.1. Draw Bezier Path
4.2. Add Curve from Clipboard
4.3. Replace Curve with Clipboard
4.4. Clone Curve
4.5. Mirror Clone Curve
4.6. Align Curve to Axis
4.7. Align Curve Ends
4.8. Drop to Surface
4.9. Import SVG
4.10. Curve Smooth
4.11. Curve Smooth More
4.12. Curve Rulers
4.13. Bezier Node Types
5. Sculpting Tools
5.1. Set Tool Size
5.2. Add
5.3. Sub
5.4. Clay
5.5. Clay Sub
5.6. Groove
5.7. Layer
5.8. Eraser
5.9. Step
5.10. Pinch
5.11. Inflate
5.12. Deflate
5.13. Fill
5.14. Flatten
5.15. Noise
5.16. Rounded
5.17. Flattened
5.18. Curved
5.19. Pull Tubes
5.20. Custom Brush
5.21. Smooth
5.22. Polish
5.23. Paint Surface Colour
5.24. Smooth Surface Colour
5.25. Pull
5.26. Local Rotate
6. Sculpt Commands
6.1. Smooth
6.2. Relax
6.3. Polish
6.4. Mirror
6.5. Reverse Surface
6.6. Explode
6.7. Detach
6.8. Join
6.9. Weld to Parent
6.10. Stitch Holes
6.11. Bevelled Stitch
6.12. Cap Holes
6.13. Voxel Merge Group
6.14. Trim Surface
6.15. Reduce Buttons
7. Mask Tools
7.1. Mask Rect
7.2. Mask Loop
7.3. Mask Brush
7.4. Unmask Brush
7.5. Mask Angle
7.6. Mask Dist
7.7. Mask AngleDist
7.8. Mask Limit
7.9. Select Connected
7.10. Gradient Mask
8. Painting Tools
8.1. Paint Texture Map
8.2. Smooth Texture Map
8.3. Pick Colour
9. Poly Tools
9.1. Create Plane
9.2. Create SubD Cube
9.3. Mesh Builder
9.4. Mesh Grab
9.5. Knife
10. Poly Commands
10.1. Select Points, Edges or Faces
10.2. Select Edge Loop
10.3. Select Edge Ring
10.4. Divide Edges
10.5. Collapse Edges
10.6. Dissolve Edges
10.7. Edge Ring Divide
10.8. Spin Edge
10.9. Mesh Extrude
10.10. Mesh Bevel
10.11. Hide Selected Mesh
10.12. Unhide Selected Mesh
10.13. Invert Hidden
10.14. Delete Selection
2. View Reference
1. View Management
1.1. View Layout
1.2. View Menu
1.3. Activity Menu
2. 3D Views
3. Views let you look at your model from different angles.
4. Painting Views
3. Panel Reference
1. Panel Overview
2. Toolbox Panel
3. Tool Controls Panel
3.1. Common Controls
3.2. Soft Move Controls
3.3. Sculpt Controls
3.4. Paint Controls Panel
3.5. Redo Stroke
3.6. Repeat Stroke
3.7. Redraw Fade-In
3.8. Redraw Fade-Out
4. Object Properties Panel
4.1. Texture Maps
4.2. Resolution
4.3. Check Boxes
5. Current Material Panel
6. Colour Panel
7. Layers Panel
8. Groups Panel
9. Status Panel
4. Menu Reference
1. File Menu
1.1. New
1.2. Open...
1.3. Save...
1.4. Save and Increment
1.5. Save Selected...
1.6. Merge...
1.7. Import...
1.8. Export...
1.9. Export Selected...
1.10. Export Sculpties
1.11. Exit
2. Edit Menu
2.1. Undo
2.2. Redo
2.3. Cut
2.4. Copy
2.5. Paste
2.6. Paste Mirrored
2.7. Duplicate
2.8. Duplicate Proxy
2.9. Select All
2.10. Select Previous
2.11. Select Next
2.12. Select Parent
2.13. Deselect
2.14. Delete
2.15. Toggle Tool Add/Sub
2.16. Mirror Sculpt Brushes
2.17. Auto Polish
2.18. Auto Divide
2.19. Fold Pinch
2.20. Snap Rotation
2.21. Lazy - Smooth Strokes
2.22. Redraw Fade In
2.23. Redraw Fade Out
2.24. Posing
3. View Menu
3.1. View Layout
3.2. Panels
3.3. Quick Hide Panels
3.4. Frame Selected
3.5. Frame All
3.6. Reset All Views
3.7. Wireframe
3.8. Grid
3.9. Overlay Backdrop
3.10. Opaque Backdrop
3.11. Show Curvature
3.12. Outline Selected
3.13. Show Mask
3.14. Show Edit Curves
3.15. Show Centre Lines
3.16. Expert GUI
3.17. Use Shaders
3.18. Render Shadows
3.19. Render Ambient Occlusion
3.20. Use Pixel Shader 3.0
3.21. Screenshot
4. Object Menu
4.1. Paste Object Properties
4.2. Paste Material
4.3. Group
4.4. Ungroup
4.5. Bake Action
4.6. Lathe Symmetry
4.7. Hide
4.8. Align
4.9. Distribute
4.10. Rotate
5. Curve Menu
5.1. Smooth
5.2. Smooth More
5.3. Add Curve from Clipboard
5.4. Replace Curve with Clipboard
5.5. Clone
5.6. Mirror Clone
5.7. Drop to Surface
5.8. Align Curve to Axis
5.9. Curve Reverse
5.10. Curve Offset
5.11. Curve Symmetry
5.12. Extract Mesh Boundary
5.13. LoadBezier
5.14. Redraw As...
5.15. Curve Mirror
5.16. Lathe Auto Curve
5.17. Optimise
5.18. Draw Smooth Lines
5.19. Draw Precise Lines
5.20. Draw Bezier Path
5.21. Curve Optimise
6. Mesh Menu
6.1. Smooth
6.2. Relax
6.3. Polish
6.4. Smooth Mask Boundary
6.5. Relax Near Mask Boundary
6.8. Brush Strokes
6.9. Simplify
6.10. Refine by Edge Length
6.11. Refine by Curvature
6.12. Refine Mask Gradient
6.13. Mirror
6.14. Explode
6.15. Join
6.16. Extrude
6.17. Thicken
6.18. Weld to Parent
6.19. Cut from Parent
6.20. Delete Masked
6.21. Delete Inner Selection
6.22. Stitch Holes
6.23. Bevelled Stitch
6.24. Cap Holes
6.25. Reverse Surface
6.26. Voxel Merge All
6.27. Voxel Merge Group
6.28. Voxel Intersect Group
6.29. Voxel Subtract Children
6.30. Voxel Merge Properties
6.31. Fit to...
6.32. Convert to Normal Mesh
6.33. Convert to Adaptive Subdivision Mesh
7. Surface Menu
7.1. Colour Smooth
7.2. Mask -> Colour
7.3. Colour Flood Fill
7.4. Colour Clear
7.5. Ambient Occlusion
7.6. Ambient Smooth
7.7. Ambient Clear
8. Mask Menu
8.1. Reselect
8.2. Smooth
8.3. Smooth More
8.4. Invert
8.5. Solarise
8.6. Shapes
8.7. Mask by Curvature
8.8. Mask Interior
8.9. Mask From Children
8.10. Mask Boundary
8.11. Expand Boundary
8.12. Select Connected
9. Texture Menu
9.1. Open...
9.2. Save...
9.3. Reload Maps
9.4. Flood Fill
9.5. UV Relax
9.6. UV Front/Back
9.7. UV View Perspective
9.8. UV Unwrap
9.9. Show UVs in 2D View
9.10. Load Image Plane
9.11. Resize Cube to Image
9.12. Apply Children/to Parent
10. Extras Menu
10.1. Inflate Image
10.2. Add Trim Lines Along Edge
10.3. Send View to Dogwaffle Brush
10.4. Send View to Dogwaffle Buffer
10.5. Send Active Texture to Dogwaffle Buffer
10.6. Fetch Dogwaffle Buffer to Active Texture
10.7. Sculptie Mode
10.8. Uniform Sized Sculpties
10.9. Wine Compatibility Mode
10.10. Play Script...
11. Help Menu
11.1. Help Contents
11.2. Tutorials
11.3. Get the latest version of Curvy 3D
11.4. About Curvy...
5. Key Shortcuts
1. File
2. Edit
3. View
4. Object
5. Curve
6. Mesh
7. Texture
8. Help
9. Tools
10. Selection
11. Groups Panel
12. Number Entry
13. Smart Backdrops