However, unless booleans are really magical, I think we are getting into weak area of polygons. Booleans are bad, if they generate too much polys or if cuts are ugly. In raytracing (say, POV-Ray) booleans work, but in poly systems they usually fail.
But, if cuts can be made with curves, I guess it has really possibilities.
If those "engravings" really result to moderate amounts of polys, they're really cool thing!
I opened Curvy3D just to check some things and, as usual, learned a lot of new (well, new for me) things.
Would it be possible to project a loft or slab to another objects' curved surface?
Also, could you construct a new primitive, which would be like cube, but which would react in same way to Curvy maps as, say, lathes do? It would be very nice way to construct hard surfaces!