Better Tooltips

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Better Tooltips

Post by Simon »

I'm adding more of the help and tutorial info from the manual into Curvy itself. Tooltips expand to give a brief explanation of what the tool does - then expand again to show a quick animated example of how the tool is used and the effect you should expect to see.

The tips let you F1 to open the full manual page for the tool when it is available.

I hope this makes Curvy more fun to explore and easier to learn.

Sample animated tooltip for the Add Brush:
051ADD.png (113.03 KiB) Viewed 15560 times
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Re: Better Tooltips

Post by weswes »

Was hoping for this!!! Could we see a tool tip that represents the angle for the flatten tool?
Last edited by weswes on Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Better Tooltips

Post by Simon »

Yes, the flatten tool should have a cursor that shows the angle it will flatten to. Also perhaps a lock so it keeps flattening to the same angle or plane as you sculpt - probably different sub-versions of the same brush type.

I'm thinking pick an angle with Ctrl+Click or RMB and then pick a plane by from where the stroke starts, with an offset if necessary. Then you can use it as a precise carving tool.

You can also loop select part of a mesh and use "Mesh/Fit to/Plane" to make a region flat.
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