Hi and feature request

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Hi and feature request

Post by mbbmbbmm »


I like Curvy3d a lot!
I am on version 3 right now, I think I am eligible for 4 but need to find out how to upgrade. :D

Anyway this is a question or rather feature request @ Simon :cool:

I am sure you are aware of a number of papers and demos/programs dealing with sketched based 3D, like
Teddy or RigMesh or ShapeShop.

There is one called FiberMesh and I think they really nailed the workflow on that one. BUT with two major
exceptions: 1) it is buggy as hell 2) no mirroring

I think this stuff must be related to what you are doing but not sure to what degree. So I don't
have any idea how difficult it would be to integrate. But it would be such a fun and fast workflow
and I think there is no software that does this today in a reliable way.
At least I couldn't find any.

Is there any chance you could implement something like this in a later version of Curvy3d?

For everybody's interest:
Here is the FiberMesh-website with pdf, videos and downloadable demo (needs 32-bit Java)
https://www-ui.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~take ... index.html
Video on YouTube:
Overview of sketch-based 3d programs on medium:
https://medium.com/the-art-squirrel/ske ... c14749c8e2

Thank you and blessings!
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Re: Hi and feature request

Post by Simon »

Upgrading to 4

Thanks for the Medium link, happy to see Curvy gets a mention :)

Teddy was one of the first sketch based modelling programs I saw, about 17 years ago. I do have a look now and then at what other people are doing with sketch based modelling, there are so many different techniques. I find that after a certain point you are better off moving either into sculpting, or into mesh editing of subdivision surfaces. That is why Curvy is a hybrid sketch modeller + sculpting program (I decided not to make subd surfaces as these are done well in any number of other apps).

I think to be convinced to try some fibremesh style modelling I would need to see it in action making objects that would be slower or trickier to make in Curvy. As it stands it's easy to make a fibremesh looking object in Curvy by joining a few sketched primitives together.
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