Align & Distribute

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Align & Distribute

Post by Simon »

While I have big ideas for 4.0 I'm getting back into it slowly with a feature that I use all the time in 2D in Inkscape.

Simply arranges the selected items evenly along an axis, or aligns their midpoints in an axis.

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Re: Align & Distribute

Post by mykyl »

looking forward to trying anything new you have done.
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Re: Align & Distribute

Post by Simon »

This Chain is a perfect example of when you need to Distribute objects evenly. (Also shows off Fit to Rail)

I just copied and pasted the links, and then Distributed them in Y to make them spread out evenly.

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Re: Align & Distribute

Post by Simon »

Quite often I use the Move+Rotate tools to do things that the computer should be able to work out for itself.

For example, I'll draw a Lathe and then fiddle around to make the start and end points line up so the Lathe will sit exactly vertical. I've just added a Align Curve to Axis command that simply does this in a click.

Commands like this should be handy any time you want to do something precisely, I really should record more modelling sessions and try and spot all the times I am doing something that could be automated (eg: Aligning one object to fit next to another object with a 3D rotation is a slow process at the moment).
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Re: Align & Distribute

Post by Simon »

At long last Curvy now has type-in boxes for Move and Rotate, so you can now easily rotate in exact steps.

You can use simple % values as well as units and degrees. So for example moving 100% in Y will place the object exactly above where it used to be.

I've also added some standard controls to choose the rotation origin - So you can switch between rotating around the world's origin, or the selection's centre, or just the first item in the selection.The first of many new features made possible by the UI overhaul.

So, if you ever feel the need for more precision - edits like these are easy now. For example these stairs, made with the new Type-In Move and Rotate boxes.

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