Smart Backdrops "extras" please

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Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:00 pm

Smart Backdrops "extras" please

Post by CurvyUser »

Virtually all other software requires a head/face "prison shot" of front and side for reference, and 99.99% of images will not comly to this, so I request please a video on how you did the Jason Statham head because I didn't really understand, but feel it could really benefit the workflow and put also Curvy into the hands of new users. Congratulations for the fantasic news of Curvy 4.0, and anything in 4.0 which helps with character creation, or just any extra training is great.
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Re: Smart Backdrops "extras" please

Post by Simon »

The code is still there but it always felt a bit too intricate to fit in with Curvy's normal workflows.

If it gets rebuilt in 4.0 (it is quite far down the wishlist) then I'll make some new tutorials.
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