Fit to Surface - Curving Slabs

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Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:13 am
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Fit to Surface - Curving Slabs

Post by Simon »

Another tip for bending Slabs. Delete the back and sides of the slab before you subdivide. Then use Mesh/Relax to spread the points evenly on the new 2D surface. Then use Mesh/Thicken to add depth to the object with a very neat and clean looking bevel on the edge.
SlabBend.jpg (49.03 KiB) Viewed 6162 times

Mesh/Deform/Fit to Surface
is more powerful than "Drop to Surface" as it can wrap one object around another - wrapping to the sides and back of the object is possible. However it is a bit more complex to setup. You need to select the surface you want to fit onto before you hit "Mesh/Deform/Fit to Surface", then drag the objects you want fitted as children of the newly created Action, then press Y to update the action. Once all this is setup you should see a orange box when you select the action - make sure your wrapped object fits in this box.
Wrapped.jpg (23.2 KiB) Viewed 6162 times
For example this Slab (orange) "Fit to Surface" onto a Lathe object (blue). The Slab wraps all the way around the sides and back of the target mesh.
Wrapping.jpg (82.93 KiB) Viewed 6162 times
Adding more details, you can add as many child objects to the action as you like - here I've added lots of separate spikes then press Y to update the Fit.
Spikes.jpg (67.81 KiB) Viewed 6162 times
And here I've changed the shape of the target Lathe, it is fully 'live' and editable. Just remember to press Y to update the Fit action if you reshape the wrapped or target objects.
Fit2.jpg (52.85 KiB) Viewed 6163 times
Wrapping a 100k spiky mesh over a 20k sphere UV head
Warp.jpg (247.76 KiB) Viewed 6155 times
Posts: 2636
Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:13 am
Location: Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.

Re: Fit to Surface - Curving Slabs

Post by Simon »

Some more examples of Fit to Surface.

The orange box is the source area - you should put the child objects inside this box. The target object is best as a Lathe - as it will setup the UVs correctly for fitting the children into.
It is as if the orange box shows you where 0-1 UV area is fit to.
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Also works on Lofts - note I had to tick Reverse Surface otherwise the objects appeared inside out on the Loft
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