Aartform Curvy 3D 4.0

Table of Contents

I. What's New
II. Quick Start
III. Tutorials
  1. Create Object Tutorials
   1. Lathe Tutorials
    1.1. The Goblet
    1.2. The Fang
    1.3. The Torso
   2. Line Tutorials
    2.1. The Tendril
    2.2. The Belt Buckle
   3. Blob Tutorials
    3.1. The Sofa
    3.2. The Splat
    3.3. Organics
   4. Slab Tutorials
    4.1. The Guitar
   5. Loft Tutorials
    5.1. The Cloak
    5.2. The Fingernail
   6. Cube Tutorial
   7. Cylinder Tutorial
   8. Sphere Tutorial
IV. Feature Reference
  1. Tool Reference
   1. Toolbox
    1.1. Select
    1.2. Move
    1.3. Rotate
    1.4. Scale
    1.5. Soft Move
    1.6. Soft Rotate
    1.7. Pan
    1.8. Orbit
    1.9. Zoom
   2. Object Creation Tools
    2.1. Create Lathe
    2.2. Create Line
    2.3. Create Blob
    2.4. Create Slab
    2.5. Create Loft
    2.6. Create Cube
    2.7. Create Cylinder
    2.8. Create Sphere
    2.9. Create Bone
    2.10. Create Sketch
   3. Curve Tools
   4. Sculpting Tools
    4.1. Set Tool Size
    4.2. Add
    4.3. Sub
    4.4. Clay
    4.5. Clay Sub
    4.6. Groove
    4.7. Step
    4.8. Pinch
    4.9. Inflate
    4.10. Deflate
    4.11. Fill
    4.12. Flatten
    4.13. Noise
    4.14. Rounded
    4.15. Flattened
    4.16. Curved
    4.17. Pull Tubes
    4.18. Custom Brush
    4.19. Smooth
    4.20. Polish
    4.21. Paint Surface Colour
    4.22. Smooth Surface Colour
   5. Mask Tools
    5.1. Mask Rect
    5.2. Mask Loop
    5.3. Mask Brush
    5.4. Unmask Brush
    5.5. Mask Angle
    5.6. Mask Dist
    5.7. Mask AngleDist
    5.8. Mask Limit
    5.9. Select Connected
    5.10. Gradient Mask
   6. Painting Tools
  2. View Reference
  3. Panel Reference
  4. Menu Reference
   1. File Menu
    1.1. New
    1.2. Open...
    1.3. Save...
    1.4. Save and Increment
    1.5. Save Selected...
    1.6. Merge...
    1.7. Import...
    1.8. Export...
    1.9. Export Selected...
    1.10. Export Sculpties
    1.11. Exit
   2. Edit Menu
    2.1. Undo
    2.2. Cut
    2.3. Copy
    2.4. Paste
    2.5. Paste Mirrored
    2.6. Duplicate
    2.7. Duplicate Proxy
    2.8. Select All
    2.9. Select Previous
    2.10. Select Next
    2.11. Select Parent
    2.12. Deselect
    2.13. Delete
    2.14. Toggle Tool Add/Sub
    2.15. Mirror Sculpt Brushes
    2.16. Auto Polish
    2.17. Auto Divide
    2.18. Fold Pinch
    2.19. Snap Rotation
    2.20. Lazy - Smooth Strokes
    2.21. Redraw Fade In
    2.22. Redraw Fade Out
    2.23. Posing
   3. View Menu
    3.1. View Layout
    3.2. Panels
    3.3. Quick Hide Panels
    3.4. Frame Selected
    3.5. Frame All
    3.6. Reset All Views
    3.7. Load Persp Backdrop
    3.8. Load Lighting
    3.9. Wireframe
    3.10. Grid
    3.11. Overlay Backdrop
    3.12. Opaque Backdrop
    3.13. Show Curvature
    3.14. Outline Selected
    3.15. Show Mask
    3.16. Show Edit Curves
    3.17. Show Centre Lines
    3.18. Expert GUI
    3.19. Use Shaders
    3.20. Render Shadows
    3.21. Use Pixel Shader 3.0
    3.22. Save View
   4. Object Menu
    4.1. Paste Object Properties
    4.2. Paste Material
    4.3. Group
    4.4. Ungroup
    4.5. Bake Action
    4.6. Lathe Symmetry
    4.7. Hide
    4.8. Align
    4.9. Distribute
    4.10. Rotate
    4.11. OBJ MIRROR
   5. Curve Menu
   6. Mesh Menu
   7. Surface Menu
    7.1. Colour Smooth
    7.2. Mask -> Colour
    7.3. Colour Flood Fill
    7.4. Colour Clear
    7.5. Ambient Occlusion
    7.6. Ambient Smooth
    7.7. Ambient Clear
   8. Mask Menu
    8.1. Reselect
    8.2. Smooth
    8.3. Smooth More
    8.4. Invert
    8.5. Solarise
    8.6. Shapes
    8.7. Mask by Curvature
    8.8. Mask Interior
    8.9. Mask From Children
    8.10. Mask Boundary
    8.11. Expand Boundary
    8.12. Select Connected
   9. Texture Menu
    9.1. Open...
    9.2. Save...
    9.3. Reload Maps
    9.4. Flood Fill
    9.5. UV Relax
    9.6. UV Front/Back
    9.7. UV View Perspective
    9.8. UV Unwrap
    9.9. Show UVs in 2D View
    9.10. Load Image Plane
    9.11. Resize Cube to Image
    9.12. Apply Children/to Parent
   10. Extras Menu
   11. Help Menu
  5. Key Shortcuts
   1. File
   2. Edit
   3. View
   4. Object
   5. Curve
   6. Mesh
   7. Texture
   8. Help
   9. Tools
   10. Selection
   11. Groups Panel
   12. Number Entry
   13. Smart Backdrops