9. Poly Tools

9.1. Create Plane

Create a single Quad. Useful as a starting mesh for the Mesh Builder Tool.
To use as a SubD mesh, first click on the created plane with the Mesh Grab tool to convert it to a Poly Mesh - then click SUBD in the Object Properties Panel.

9.2. Create SubD Cube

Create a simple unbevelled Cube. Useful as a stating point for Box Modelling of Subdivision meshes.
To use as a SubD mesh, first click on the created cube with the Mesh Grab tool to convert it to a Poly Mesh - then click SUBD in the Object Properties Panel.

9.3. Mesh Builder

This tool adds quads to your model. It works in two ways depending on whether you drag a vertex or an edge midpoint.

9.4. Mesh Grab

Use the Mesh Grab tool, clicking on a model, to turn it into a Poly Mesh made of editable points, edges and faces.
Drag on your model to move individual vertices.

Hold the Control key while dragging a vertex to merge it into another vertex on your model to remove edges and faces.

9.5. Knife

Drag from a vertex or an edge midpoint to another vertex or edge midpoint to create a new edge - splitting the original faces into more faces.
Useful for changing the topology of your mesh.

10. Poly Commands

10.1. Select Points, Edges or Faces

Click these buttons to change your selection mode. Some of the Poly commands require Edge selections, others work on Points or Faces of the mesh.
With a mode selected, right click on your model to select parts of your mesh, shift click to add to selection and ctrl click to remove from selection.

10.2. Select Edge Loop

Follow the flow of an edge and select continuous edges. On a model with simple Quad topology will select a whole loop around your model. The selection will stop if it hits triangles or other non-quad faces.

10.3. Select Edge Ring

Select the edge on the opposite side of a Quad, repeat for the edge on the opposite side of the next quad. Repeat until the end of the model is reached or you hit non quad geometry.
Useful for selecting edges in preparation for division to add geometry to your mesh.

10.4. Divide Edges

Split every selected edge in the center, creating new faces along the way.

10.5. Collapse Edges

Removes the selected edge and heals the mesh to tidy up the missing edge.

10.6. Dissolve Edges

Removes the selected edge, joining together the remaining faces into a single larger polygon.

10.7. Edge Ring Divide

Acts like "Select Edge Ring" plus "Divide Edges" in a single button press. Selects and divides at once.

10.8. Spin Edge

With a single edge selected, this command turns the edge to change the topology around the edge.
For trickier cases you can use Edge Dissolve and Knife to achieve the retopology you want.

10.9. Mesh Extrude

Adds an Extrude Action to the mesh. You can change the extrude amount in the popup, and complete the action using the "Bake Action" button on the action popup.

10.10. Mesh Bevel

Adds an Bevel Action to the mesh. You can change the bevel amount in the popup, and complete the action using the "Bake Action" button on the action popup.

10.11. Hide Selected Mesh

Hide selected faces - so they can't be selected. Useful for isolating your editing to a sub-section of a larger mesh.

10.12. Unhide Selected Mesh

Show selected faces.

10.13. Invert Hidden

Make visible faces hide, and hidden faces show.

10.14. Delete Selection

Removes the selected part of the mesh. Different behavior if points, edges, or faces are selected.