precise parts ?

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precise parts ?

Post by sculptor »

Curvys got some great tools but its not always clear how to use them.
Here i will show how to make parts using lofts.
I am using curvy 4.1.
you may ask why use lofts ?
my experience is one gets smoother results for less polgons which mean quicker renders.

mud.jpg (21.83 KiB) Viewed 22239 times create loft from creation tools. 4 views from view menu. the top view draw one line downwards on the left hand side.
4. note you already have a loft but curvy is expecting more lines.
5. at this point we import our svg line (that you have drawn in another program such as inkscape).
6. so go to curve > LoadBezier and load your svg file.
7. the result may look a mess but don't panic. Curvy may have duplicated the svg file.

(next bit relies upon the make up of your svg file)
7b. at this point you have either one or two added svg curves. if you have 2 go to instruction 8.
7c. if you have one, import svg again so you have two available.
(if you end up with too many svg curves delete the ones you don't need)

8. the green line from the first line you drew is connected to the svg it expects at the top of the loft.
9. the other svg is probably selected and ready to move down to the bottom of the first line you drew.
10. so select move tool and drag selected svg line down to the bottom of the line you drew.
11. then select the other svg and drag it to the top of the line you drew.
12. if wrong svg is selected just remember the green line shows which svg should be at the top.
13. now select the line you drew and from the curve menu select redraw as semi-circle.
14. sometimes you have to move the line slightly to get it to redraw as a semi-circle.(using soft move tool)
15. then select the rotate tool from the toolbox.
16.then rotate the semi circle in the 3d view using the green rotate handle to get your fender/mudguard.

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Re: precise parts ?

Post by sculptor »

If you are feeling adventurous ?
here is some things you can do by using 4 curves.
you will get two green lines.

i cannot give details because its a case of experimenting.
you can rotate, resize, clone, replace curve from clipboard etc.
suggest don't alter resolution bevel etc while using this technique.
i got the tubey thing by using an ellipse svg.
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fun with lofts
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Re: precise parts ?

Post by weswes »

love this!
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