9.1. Open...
Loads a new texture into the current material texture slot (marked by a paintbrush).
9.2. Save...
Saves the current texture to file.
9.3. Reload Maps
Loads all textures from file. eg. If you have changed some images externally and want to refresh them in Curvy.
9.4. Flood Fill
Fill the current image with the Paint colour.
9.5. UV Relax Shift+T
Relaxes the texture coordinates on your model to give a more even texture mapping.
9.6. UV Front/Back
A simple UV texture coordinates setup where the model is split into two halves, front and back, for texturing purposes.
9.7. UV View Perspective
Takes whatever the current Perspective view is, and assigns texture coordinates to match that view.
9.8. UV Unwrap
Splits the model into several parts for texturing trying to reduce overlapping.
useful for objects with complicated overlapping geometry.
9.9. Show UVs in 2D View
When on, this option draws the texture mapped parts of your model as a red overlay in the texture's image viewport.
Brighter parts indicate the UV mapping overlaps itself (Two parts of the mesh share the same part of the texture).
9.10. Load Image Plane
Load an image onto a Plane positioned in the view ready to use as a reference.
The plane is setup with a material that only shows in the right view, and with a low alpha so it is see through - but you can change these in the material to suit your needs.
9.11. Resize Cube to Image
Changes the dimensions of the selected Cube object to fit its diffuse texture.
9.12. Apply Children/to Parent
These commands make one model conform to another by painting a custom Curvy Map.
Add or Subtract this object's Children from the current map. This only really makes sense to do with the Curvy Map selected.
To make sure there is enough Curvy Displacement to fit the apply action, choose the plain white texture as the curvy map (this shows the maximum possible curvy displacement all over the model) then adjust the Curvy Displacement Slider until the parent object covers the child objects in all places.
Then choose the default 50% grey map for Curvy and finally use Apply Children.
If you find your map has been stretched along the left hand edge the parent was of too low a resolution. Undo the apply stage, up the parent's resolution and reapply.