2. Toolbox Panel

The tools panel provides easy access to Curvy's tools.

The Toolbox Panel

Left click on a tool icon to select a tool to use.

If the tool icon is dimmed out you will need to select the right type of object before it will be ready to use. For example the curve tools usually require a curve to be selected, and the sculpt tools require a selected mesh.

See also: Individual Tool Reference

The top row opens groups of related tools into a secondary toolbox below. These groups are: Create, Curves, Sculpt, Paint & Mask.

The top row has poly tools, and transform tools that are frequently used.


A set of tools for making new objects.
Typically you would choose one of these tools then draw a stroke in the main 3D viewport to instantly create a new object.
Objects Tools Reference

These tools are specifically used to draw and edit the 3D curves that Curvy uses to define primitives.
Curves Tools Reference

Sculpting tools are used like brushes painting on the surface of your 3D model, but instead of painting colour they paint bumps and grooves and other deformations onto the surface.
Sculpt Tools Reference

The painting tools let you paint on texture maps, and also on the vertex colours of a mesh.
Paint Tools Reference

The mask tools let you select part of a mesh surface for further editing and sculpting.
Mask Tools Reference

The poly tools let you work on individual points and faces to edit low poly meshes and subdivision surfaces.
Poly Tools Reference